Friday, 12 October 2007

An Update

Just an update on phill he's back out with all the other chickens now .The poem's something we did at school.
W aves crash against the rocks and sand at every peice of land

A ny drop you see has helped build the tallest trees

T housand's of fish swim in the sea I know for every one I see theres another three

E very drop you seee is each a piece of history

R ain comes down from the clouds above

Monday, 8 October 2007

what I did in the holidays

In the holidays I stayed at home basically and watched t.v . I planted some strawberry plants. They are blooming nicely now .

My pet rooster Phill got attacked by something one night , now he's living in my garage . He lost a milllion feathers and took refuge in the pig house .

German Shepherds

German Shepherds